
Business cards

So as part of our business module for university we had to create a business card and C.V here are some of the ideas I played around with for my business card and where I got inspiration from

Final Business Card



This is the Animatic for my film so you can see and hopefully understand the story and have some idea of what the final film will hopefully be like


Head Build Idea

For my main character I would like him to look as nice as I can for my final film. I have done many styles of lip sync, mouths and heads for different projects such as paper, sausage and plasticine replacement. Although some of these are easier to achieve and make I would like to try a more professional replacement mouth and brow. This is an idea I have seen in films such as coraline and previous students on my course use. This is just an idea for now I may decided to use a slightly different technique  when it comes to the actually build but for mow this is the sort of thing I am thinking

I will have 5 different brow shapes as shown below

I will then have replacement mouths also

Combined I can achieve all the expressions I need for my film

Head set up

I will be sculpting the head soon and will explain in more detail then of how I make it and the materials I will use


Armature Design

This is the armature design for my main character Ted
I will use this as the plan to build my armature


Materials list



Turn Arounds

Here are the turn arounds for my characters. Ted is the only puppet I will be making and will be showing you how I plan to do that in my next post. The rest of the characters will be 2D and only really seen from the front so i only done quick turn arounds for them.







Here is the Final character line up

Character silhouettes

Backgrounds, Sets and Colour Keys

Here are some of the colour keys for my backgrounds and sets for my film. They are more concept then fully finished ideas as I will have to build them rather then just draw them later. These will be the basic looks of some sets but when I come to build and dress them things may change to make it look better on camera.

Here are the "final" versions of these backgrounds

Clothes Colour Tests

These are some basic colour key tests I done for my characters to get an idea of the clothes and colours they would be wearing in my film






